So far I have been able to come up with quite a few new ideas since my last project idea was not coming along nearly as well as I had hoped. As I was saying before in my previous post, I had really wanted to do something more along the idea of what Chase was doing with movies.

After a lot of brainstorming I eventually decided on doing something with older pieces of art and using their pixel data to create a new kind of image. I was thinking about a new method of classification of older art pieces, which really got me thinking about how I could reorder the image itself. I wanted to change it in a way, but I wanted to also keep some part of the original image alive.

What I think I am going to do is write a program that somehow takes all of the different pixels of each image (keeping the same color) and reorganizing them based off of some algorithim. This way the new images will share a lot in common with the original one while still maintaining the same colors.

I haven't yet decided on how exactly they are going to be reorganized but I figure I will start making the program before I come up with my final decision.